‘Money Motivated’ Pennsylvania Dog Eats His Parents $4000 Cash Leave a comment

You might’ve heard of the  “My dog ate my passport” excuse, now be ready for the “My dog ate my money” excuse!

You read that right! Because a Pennsylvania dog shocked his parents after eating the $4000 cash that was sitting on the family home’s kitchen counter on December 08.

Cecil, a seven-year-old Goldendoodle, was usually a good boy. Or so that’s what his parents, Clayton and Carrie Law, thought.

Carrie tells the Pittsburgh City Paper, “This dog, I swear to God, has never touched anything in his life. “I used to go to Salem’s and bring home a salad with lamb on it and leave it sitting out, and he wouldn’t even touch it.”

But one Friday, Carrie heard her husband yell something she thought she would never hear, “Cecil’s eating $4,000!!!!!“

“I thought, ‘I cannot be hearing that.’ I almost had a heart attack,” Carrie recalls.

According to The Washington Post, the money was pulled out of the couple’s joint savings account to have a fence installed in their home, and the workers asked to be paid in cash.

After a trip from the bank, Clayton went home and set the sealed envelope full of $100 and $50 bills on the counter.

30 minutes after putting it on the kitchen counter, Clayton did not come back to a sealed envelope of money for him to stash, but instead, tiny pieces of chewed-up bills splattered on the floor.

Carrie describes Cecil as a goofy and particular guy. She tells The Washington Post, “You could leave a steak on the table, and he wouldn’t touch it because he’s not food motivated. But apparently he is money motivated.”

“He has never really done anything bad before, so we were more shocked than angry,” Clayton added.

The panicked couple reached out the the pooch’s vet to see if the dog needed to be checked. “Given his size of 100 pounds, we were told as long he was eating and drinking and going to the bathroom, he should be fine,” Clayton said. 

And that’s when Carrie and Clayton got to work over the next few days — collecting Cecil’s ‘doggie deposits’, sifting through them, picking out the bits of money from the pile, gathering up and piecing what they could together.

“There we are at the utility sink,” Carrie says, “washing this shitty money, yelling ‘Yay! Yes! We got one!’ It smelled so bad.”

But after doing the (literally) dirty work, the couple’s efforts paid off because they were able to recover $3550.

The bank assured them that as long as the serial number on the taped-up bills were visible, the bank would take back the money.

Carrie tells The Washington Post, “I was surprised when they said they’d seen similar things happen multiple times — that maybe dogs liked the particular smells on money.”

In an Instagram Update, Carrie documented the journey from Cecil eating the money to the couple taping up the chewed money.

“Finally ready to talk about last week 💩💸🐾 The bank assured us that this happens all the time,” Carrie wrote on Instagram.

Thankfully, Cecil is doing fine. Carrie said, “We couldn’t be mad at him — he’s a very lovable dog.”

She also reveals that they’ve kept at least one of the torn-up bills so they can create a piece of artwork they can frame to commemorate the incident.

“Not that we’d ever forget,” Carrie quickly added.

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